Beautiful pics of Mariah Carey and Maria Menounos feet & legs

Maria Menounos, a Greek American journalist and television hostess is an actress. She was host of Extra and E! Also, she was the correspondent for Today Access Hollywood, and she co-hosted Eurovision Song Contest 2006. The 44-year-old provided an update about her health on the broadcast and stated that she's doing great, after a private fight with stage 2 pancreatic carcinoma during the year. Menounos spoke to the audience and said,"I'm very happy. I feel fantastic. It's a blessing for my health as well as with my daughter. Litsa (Maria's) mother, who was diagnosed GBM at age the 61st year it is a rare and malignant brain cancer. Menounos was actively taking care of Maria's mother who was treated with chemotherapy and radiation. Mariah Carey (born May 25, 1964) is an American performer, actress and singer. The name is often used to describe her as the Songbird Supreme by Guinness World Records her fame is based on her songwriting five-octave vocal range her melismatic style of singing and the characteristic usage of whistles.

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